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The Prophecy Of Hope Page 8
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Page 8
“Ignis? That’s a bold move.”
Rebekah nodded. “I’d say it was a calculated move as well. It’s gotten in my head. I have Canter digging into his journals. I’m afraid that if Ignis finds out, he’ll hate me.”
“He will be disappointed, but I’d worry more for Canter. Ignis is liable to turn him into a toad or something.”
Rebekah gave a half-hearted chuckle. “He’s a mage, not a storybook witch.”
“Well, I hope Canter can remain discreet. Ignis is very clever.”
Rebekah’s phone rang, and she took it out from her coat to see that it was Commander Hoyt Dixon calling. She let out a long sigh. “I’m sorry, but I should answer this.” She moved her finger across the device. “Hello, Dixon. To what do I owe the honor of this call?”
“As always, Huntress, speaking with you is my honor. But I’m afraid I’ve called today with troubling news.”
Rebekah’s back stiffened. She hadn’t wanted anything else piled up on her plate and decided she just might have to tell him to handle whatever it was himself. “Troubling in what way?”
“I led my strongest group of young hunters on a mission to clear out an abandoned building down in the French Quarter last night. We’d been getting some bad reports of shifters causing problems, and there were a number of homeless coming up missing too.”
“I hope you were successful,” she said, wondering if he’d lost hunters in the process.
“It was, actually. Very successful, but we did find this one female prisoner. We’re not quite sure what she is, but she’s demanding to see you and being problematic.”
“She’s different? In what way?”
He made a sound of disgust. “Well, for one, she’s got pointed teeth and a forked tongue.”
Rebekah knew it could only be one creature. “Tia!”
“Yeah, that’s what she said. So, you do know her? I thought she was lying.” It wasn’t often the hunters caught another creature, one who wasn’t a shifter or vamp.
“No, I’ve known her for ages.” Rebekah’s heart sank, knowing how dangerous for both of them it was that they’d locked her up. She could begin to get restless and attack. “Listen carefully, Hoyt. You have to be very careful with her.”
“What the fuck is she?” He had seen some strange shit in his life, but that tongue was enough to creep him out.
“She’s a highly dangerous creature, and I suggest that whatever you do, you do not try to harm her or make her nervous in any way. Treat her like a fucking powder-keg princess, and have your guards wear earplugs. I’m surprised you haven’t lost a man yet.”
“She’s very weak and injured. But she knew you were our leader. She’s been asking for you all morning.”
“You should have called me immediately.”
“I know, and I’m sorry, but I was trying to figure out what she is.”
“She’s a naiad. A fresh-water nymph. How bad off is she?”
“Holy fuck. A naiad? They kill men, don’t they?”
“Focus and tell me about her injuries.”
“She’s got some cuts, abrasions, a few bruises, and I think her circulation is bad because she’s kind of purple.”
Rebekah sighed with relief. “That’s her normal color. But listen, I need you to get some water from the nearest fresh water source, and not clean water. Pond water is good. Something with plant matter, maybe a frog or two. Soak her wounds in it until I get there, and keep her hydrated. But don’t submerge her.”
“What does she eat?”
“Plants and sometimes people who piss her off. Just sit tight. I’m on my way.” She hung up the phone and got to her feet.
Father Timms had leaned forward in his seat. “Dixon found a naiad?”
“She’s Talia’s missing sister. She’s asking for me. I need to go and take her home.”
“You’re going all the way back to the States?”
“Yes, I’ll have Frankie arrange for a private plane. I have a pilot on standby in Galway. He’ll probably have me ready to leave in a couple of hours.”
“Do you need me to come?” Father Timms knew Naiads to be dangerous creatures when they wanted.
“No, you stay here with the girls. I’m only going to take Jarreth, Canter, and Aziel. The smaller the group, the better. This isn’t a fighting mission, so we should be good, but I do want some of my strongest just in case. I normally would say I need you, but with Grady killing Brock’s guard and getting away, I’m afraid he’ll beeline to Ireland to try and get her from Canter. He’s not thinking clearly. You should be here to handle that. And to keep an eye on Ignis.”
“Wait, you’re not taking him with you?” The last thing Father Timms wanted to be in charge of was watching over Ignis.
“No, I can’t have our drama getting in the way, and besides, she asked for me.”
“But she’s Talia’s family. I can hardly see that idea going over well.” He didn’t think Ignis would like it at all.
“I’m his family too, and I can handle it. I’m afraid I have to gather the others and get ready. I don’t know if she’s going to make it by the time I get there. She’s injured and should get back home as soon as possible.”
Father Timms walked to the door. “I’ll get with Frankie about the pilot. You go and tell the hunters.”
“Thank you!” Rebekah hurried out and stormed into the courtyard where her young hunters and Aziel were working on their moves without the girls.
“Come at me like this,” said Jarreth, demonstrating defensive maneuvers for Liam. The young man tried to stab Jarreth, but the more experienced hunter showed him how to avoid it and still connect with his own weapon.
Liam made a sound of frustration. “This is tiring. You’re stronger than me. I want to work with Delilah again. She doesn’t bully me.”
“No way, you little titty grabber. You’re lucky she didn’t hand you your ass.”
“I’d say the vicious slap across the face was sufficient enough,” said Canter, still picturing how far the kid’s head has snapped to the side.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure he’s going to feel that in the morning,” said Aziel.
Liam’s cheeks reddened. “I’ve never felt a boob before, okay? Sue me.”
“I get it. It’s very tempting, but those boobs are mine. And I can’t even touch them unless she’s okay with it.” Jarreth looked up and realized they weren’t alone. Rebekah stood behind the others, watching. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were there, Rebekah.”
Liam’s eyes went wide, thinking that she’d heard what he’d done. “I’ve got to go see if Mace needs me to sweep the floor. Thanks for the lesson.” He breezed past Rebekah and hurried back into the castle.
Canter turned to look at her. “Is there something wrong?”
“I just received a call from Commander Dixon. They’ve found Talia’s sister, Tia. She’s injured, being held at the academy, and she’s asking for me.”
Aziel stepped closer. “How badly is she hurt?” He had seen the way the naiads could be healed but also how dangerous a wound could be away from the water.
“She’s banged up pretty badly, but I won’t know for sure until I get there. There isn’t anyone at the academy who can tend to her wounds or really understand the severity of them.”
“When do we leave?” asked Aziel. “I’m coming with you.”
“I know. I hoped you would.” She turned to Jarreth and Canter. “I know we didn’t want to go back to the States so soon, but I need you two to come along.”
“Okay,” said Canter. “I’ll get Katie to pack and—”
“No, she and Delilah stay here. I don’t think we’ll have any problems, and I’m hoping for a fast return. The fewer the better.”
“Delilah’s not going to like that.”
“I’m aware, but you guys can’t always be assigned together, and I take who I need. She’ll just have to get over it.” Rebekah didn’t really care what Delilah thought. She did things her way and for the g
ood of the hunt. In this case, fewer numbers, stronger hunters.
Jarreth raised his hands defensively. “Okay, but I’m not going to like having to tell her.”
“Me either,” said Canter. “Katie’s already upset about Grady, so this is going to make that worse.”
Rebekah thought about her next stop and knew the two didn’t have it nearly as bad as she did. “Try having to tell Ignis he can’t go. Look, your girls are strong women, sure, but their physical strength isn’t going to cut it this round.”
Jarreth’s eyes narrowed. “Wait, Ignis isn’t going? That’s his family, right? I mean, it’s Talia’s sister.”
“She’s in the academy prison, which I’ve been banned from, mind you, and she’s asking for me, not him. He’s just going to have to deal with it.”
Canter nodded. He knew that Rebekah didn’t want Ignis there because of the problems they were having. He hated that he had to go, and he’d have to put off his mission until he got back, but when the Huntress called, you did what you were told.
“When do we leave?” asked Jarreth.
“As soon as I can secure a pilot and a plane.” Rebekah knew that wouldn’t take long.
Aziel stepped forward, ready to do all he could to help. “Do you want me to go on ahead? They know me there.”
“Yes, they do, but Tia doesn’t know you. You may as well just fly with us so we all get there at the same time. I don’t want anything to upset Tia. She’s weak enough as it is.”
Aziel hated to fly on planes but didn’t want to argue with the Huntress. “I could go ahead and get Talia ready.”
“No, for God’s sake, don’t do that. She’ll rip the academy apart to get to her sister. You’ll go with me.” She didn’t want his emotions getting in the way. She knew that something had happened between him and Tula, and that was the last problem she needed, another unstable naiad to deal with.
Aziel nodded. “I’ll go get ready.” He wasn’t going to win that battle, and it was better just to do as he was told.
“I guess we better get to pissing off our women,” said Jarreth.
Canter slapped him on the back, knowing they were both completely screwed. “Yeah, I’m right behind you, brother.”
Rebekah looked back to the house, unsure what she was supposed to do about Ignis. She didn’t want him to go but knew that he was going to put up a fight and do what he wanted anyway. She walked back inside, and instead of going upstairs where Jarreth and Canter were taking their time and chatting about their game plan, she walked down the hall and around the corner to the entrance to the dungeon.
As she opened the access door, she heard music playing, and when she approached, Mace was dancing in place as she stood at the counter, hammering away at a piece of metal.
Liam was across the room sweeping, and Ignis stood reading a computer screen. He looked up as she took the last step into the room and walked over to join him.
“Bexy? What brings the queen below?”
“I’ve got some news for my court jester,” she said with a half-smile that quickly faded. “It’s important and personal, so we had better take it upstairs.” She glanced over at Mace, who hadn’t missed a beat, and Liam, who was now using the broom as a microphone.
“Okay,” said Ignis, stepping away from the table and glancing back at the others to shake his head. “You see what I put up with here? It’s not like I can get anything done anyway.”
Rebekah led him up the long staircase, and they found their way out to the long hall that led back to the main part of her house. She leaned against the wall and took a deep breath, prepared for his argument. “Tia has been found by the New Orleans academy. She’s alive but injured, and she’s asking for me.”
A look of shock lit Ignis’s eyes. “Well, we should go right away.” Knowing he needed to act fast, he turned to continue down the hall but stopped when Rebekah grabbed his arm.
“No, I’m going, but it’s best that you stay here. I’m capable of helping her, and since it’s me she’s asking for, I don’t want to upset her.”
“You can’t seriously be asking me to stay behind where my family is concerned.”
“It’s our family, Ignis. And while I understand where you’re coming from, Tia requested me, not you. I’m going to honor that. In the event that I get there and she tells me otherwise, I’ll call you and you can come.”
“Fuck that. These are my girls we’re talking about. My Talia’s family. My goddamned family. You’re not making me stay here. I can do whatever the fuck I want.”
“I don’t want you to go!” she snapped. “You do what you have to do. You can either trust me to take care of it, or go there on your own, but you’re not welcome to go with me.”
The words stung. “Bex, don’t do this. Don’t punish me because I won’t tell you what you want to know.”
“I’m sorry, but I have to go. I hope you stay here. I am taking most of the manpower and leaving the women here with Timms.”
Ignis gritted his teeth so hard his jaw cracked. “Fine. I’ll let you make this little power play, but I want to know everything that happens, and the moment she gets home, you better call me.” His eyes bored into hers. “And if you think that Talia’s going to tell you anything, you’re mistaken. She’s already been warned the last time you had your little talk. And if anything happens to that girl and I’m not there to comfort Talia, I swear I’ll never forgive you. Or myself.” He turned and stormed back down to the dungeon entrance.
Fuck. She couldn’t believe that they were having such problems, and she knew that if anything happened to Tia, she wouldn’t forgive herself either. She hurried down to the main part of the castle and up the stairs to her suite.
As she passed Jarreth’s room, she could hear the sound of arguing. She’d probably just made two more enemies.
Chapter 11
“Are you serious? She’s not going to let us come along?” Delilah paced the floor, waving her hands as Jarreth sat on the bed after delivering the news of his next mission.
He gave her a sympathetic look, wanting her to see he was on her side. “I told her you wouldn’t be happy, but I can’t help it. It’s not like I have any say, and you know I want you to go, baby. You’re my ride or die.”
She looked up at him and rolled her eyes. “I hate it when you call me that. Can’t you just say girlfriend?”
“I’d like to say fiancée. But you’ve never said yes.” Delilah had told him she wanted to revisit the proposal after they made sure things were still solid between them.
“You really want to have that fight right now?” She had been over and over the marriage thing in her head, and while she just about had herself convinced, she still wasn’t sure it was the right step at the present time or in the near future.
“No, I don’t. I’m just saying. Don’t be mad at me.”
“I’m not. I’m mad at the situation. Why is she only bringing the guys? Why not bring me and Katie and then one of you men?”
Jarreth could see where this was going. “I’m pretty sure she’s not being sexist.”
“You guys always have it better. No matter that I had a higher rank than most of the other men in the academy.”
“You can tell her that when we get back, baby, but I have to pack. We’re leaving as soon as possible.” He hated that he had to leave her behind, but this was how being a hunter was sometimes, and they’d both committed to the lifestyle.
“Fine. I will. This is such bullshit.” She hated being left behind.
“You and Katie can spend some downtime together. Do what normal girls do for a few days. It’s been crazy since we left the academy, and your nails are looking pretty bad.”
“I think you need a closer look.” She curled her fingers just inches from his face. “How about I use them to claw your eyes out?” She lifted her brow, teasing him. Her nails were looking pretty rough.
“Okay, I’m sorry. They’re gorgeous nails. Could you use those sexy fingers to help me pac
k?” He brought her hand to his lips to kiss her fingertips.
Delilah walked over to the closet to pull out his bags. “You’re an ass, but you’re also lucky I love you.”
“I love you too, dear.” He released a long breath, relieved that part was over and hoping the goodbye with Rebekah wasn’t going to get ugly again. As he got up to go to the dresser, he wondered if Canter had broken the news to Katie.
Canter had hoped that he’d find the moment to tell Katie what was going on, but the minute the two of them were alone, she had him on the bed and her tongue down his throat and her shirt off. He wasn’t complaining. Not even a little.
Katie stroked his soft, black curls and ground herself against him as their lips and tongues did a feverish dance. She came up for air and bit her lip as she smiled. “Now, what was it you wanted to tell me? Is it about your secret mission?”
Canter tried to clear the fog from his head. He took a deep breath and wondered if he should tell her and kill the mood or wait until after. No, he couldn’t use their sex as a buffer, no matter how much he wanted to be balls-deep inside of her.
He reached up and brushed her hair back from her face. She looked so beautiful, her long blond hair hanging down over her lacy bra. “No, it’s not that. I’ve got a new mission.”
“Making love to me? That’s a good mission.” She leaned forward and rolled her hips again.
“I wish. The Huntress needs me and Jarreth to go with her back to the States.”
Her eyes widened, and she sat back. “To hunt Grady?”
“No, it’s not that,” he said as she gave him a sideward glance. “I swear.” He looked deep into her eyes so she’d know he was serious.
Katie sighed. “Then what for? Or is it a secret too?”
“No, it’s not. She got a call for us to go to New Orleans. They found Talia’s sister, and she’s asking for Rebekah. She’s taking us guys in case anything gets out of hand.”